Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
AdvantF Group (ADVANTF) is dedicated to safeguarding your personal information. The data you provide assists us in identifying career opportunities that align with your skills and industry expertise. ADVANTF will not disclose your information to any third parties without your explicit consent. As a company, ADVANTF adheres to the data protection laws of your country, treats personal information with utmost care, and implements rigorous safeguards for data storage.
Collection and Use of Personal Information
When ADVANTF collects personal information, it is done only to the extent necessary to achieve our business objectives. ADVANTF complies with all regulations related to the storage of personal data in accordance with laws and ordinances governing personal information handling.
Management of Personal Information
ADVANTF takes all reasonable and feasible measures, including training systems and advanced security technologies, to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, manipulation, or disclosure to unauthorized third parties of any personal information.
Protection of Personal Information
ADVANTF will never disclose personal information to third parties without the explicit consent of the individual concerned. Providers of personal information have control over how their information is processed. If someone requests the deletion of their personal data, we will comply with their request while maintaining communication via telephone for security purposes, if desired.
Use of Information
The Company will not share or use personal information for purposes other than those intended without the individual’s consent, except in the following cases:
When legally permitted.
When there is a need to protect a person’s life, body, or property, and obtaining the individual’s consent is difficult.
When there is a specific need to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and obtaining the individual’s consent is difficult.
When it is necessary to cooperate with a national government body, local public body, or individuals commissioned by such entities to carry out legally prescribed affairs, and obtaining the individual’s consent is likely to interfere with the execution of said affairs.
Prevention of Unauthorized Access
The Company takes appropriate measures, including legally required measures and organizational, human, physical, and technological security measures, to prevent unauthorized access to personal information and to prevent loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc., of personal information. Additionally, corrective actions are taken in case of any violations or incidents.
Risk Prevention and Correction
ADVANTF regularly evaluates its compliance programs to ensure the ongoing protection of personal information. Continuous improvements to these programs are made to enhance data security.
For any inquiries regarding the disclosure, correction, cessation of use, deletion, or other matters related to personal information, please contact AdvantF Group using the contact information provided below:
[Contact Information]
[AdvantF Group KK |]
Date of Last Revision: [September 13, 2023]